An on-line health store of elite supplements with a no-compromise commitment to ingredients. There are over 175 products to help individuals feel better, eat better, look better, and move better, some include science backed studies and product peer reviews.
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Queen of The Thrones
Castor Oil Packs
Would you love to have regular poops and deep, restful sleep so you can wake up like new every day? This modernized ancient gut healing ritual enhances the absorption of your food, supplements, and any other health practices you are already doing, helping them work better and faster.
Click the “Explore” button Now!

Fertility and Ovulation Tracking
Track Your Temperature After ovulation, your body temperature rises and remains in a higher range until your next cycle starts. Tracking your sleeping temperature allows you to identify ovulation at home.
Continuous Monitoring Each Tempdrop contains multiple sensors that measure your core temperature continuously throughout the night.
Personal BBT Patterns Tempdrop’s patented algorithm learns your unique nightly and monthly temperature patterns, filtering out disturbances for accurate results.
Identify Fertility Window Combining temperature readings with other fertility symptoms helps you more accurately identify your fertility window.
If this sounds like something that will benefit you, click “purchase” below.

Essential Oils
doTERRA sources essential oils from all over the world. We work with committed partners to ensure the best growing conditions and produce the purest, highest quality essential oils.
Not sure which is for you…Contact me.